Passion & Happiness
A small 4-year-old girl went to an old park with a clay court along with her dad. After some time, she was bored. She found a Tennis racket and a ball and started to hit- off a fence, off a wall. She quickly fell into a trance and was able to return the balls like a Yo -Yo in the palm. She continued the same for hours without losing the rhythm and pulled in the whole crowd to watch. It is a true incident, and do you know who was she?
Yes, Masha Sharapova from Russia and in America she is known as “Maria Sharapova”, five times Grand slam winner and one of the few women who won all 4 major Grand slams.
Recently, I read her fiercely honest, fearless, gripping, and humorous memoir, “Unstoppable- My life so far”. After reading this book, my respect for Maria Sharapova has increased a lot and inspired me to be passionate and believe in myself. I am not her avid fan or follower of any other Tennis player except I do keep an eye on Grand slam championships. I bought this book from a dollar shop as I was looking for a different genre of book to read.
After reading her struggles, circumstances, never-ending desire to continue working towards her passion, and her goal of becoming a World no.1 Tennis player, the question came to my mind. Why some people continue such an incredible journey & take a difficult path and to achieve what? When Maria Sharapova began her journey in the Tennis world, she was just 4 years old. If you read about some other famous Tennis players like Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, Nadal, and many more, all of them started working towards their goal and passion from such an early age. What is that something, that motivates them from such a young age despite all hardships?
I think the answer is “Passion & Happiness”. Born with talent and recognition of the same at an early age, are important factors however the most critical thing is to be passionate & persistent. I think, what motivates them to continue this arduous path is a “true feeling of joy & sense of fulfillment”. The pursuit of your passion gives you satisfaction, solace, and the world of Happiness. It gives you the purpose of your life and the reason you were born. It distinguishes you from others and brings a smile to your face even though it seems impossible to reach the destination.
Think, for a young 6-year-old Maria Sharapova; why was it important to play Tennis? She left her mother in Russia and came to Florida, USA with her father to become a world-class champion. They did not have the support or finances to live in this country. With meager earnings of her father and some support from various Tennis facility, Maria Sharapova continued practicing, learning, and playing Tennis. She had to pay a huge price for being dependent on these Tennis facilities. However, it did not deter her from the difficult course because her passion gave her true happiness that perhaps no money, toys, or candies, or any luxuries of life could have given her. That is the magic of being Passionate-how it transforms you, helps you to grow & learn, and makes you contented.
Now, you must be thinking, what is that one thing you are passionate about, which gives you immense happiness & success.
Well, let me tell you one secret and make it easy for you- Passion like purpose keeps on changing in life. It does not need to be constant. Maria Sharapova declared her retirement from Tennis this year. Like her, many other players have done that. Does it mean, they are not passionate anymore? They were and they will find passion in something else. Passion change with time, circumstances, maturity level, and life situation. When I was small, I was passionate about making pencil sketches and cartoons. I remember how badly I used to wait for my exams to get over so I could get back to my drawing work. But now my passion is something else, I am not into paintings or drawings. Perhaps, during my Engineering days, I could not find any time to pursue my passion, and then I got busy with my job, settling down, making a home for me. Gradually, I became passionate about writing blogs and sharing my learnings & experiences of life. Even if I need to get up early in the morning to finish up my blog, I do not feel bad at all. I am doing this not for money or someone has asked me to do it. I do this because it gives me true happiness. Whenever I publish my blog, it is my euphoric moment. I feel as I have won a trophy. The amount of exhilaration, the happiness it provides, no other achievement can. Then, why not follow your dreams, your passion, and be happy in life.
We all look for reasons to be happy in life. Many people join the programs like “Art of living “, which teaches you how to live a stress-free, peaceful and happy life. However, I believe, real happiness lies in your passion. Find your calling, find that thing which uplifts your spirit, find your purpose of being here- because no other thing than your passion can give you true happiness in your life.
Someone has said: Do not look onto your success to create happiness, look onto happiness to create success, and Follow your passion.