You cannot settle for the familiar if you desire to be successful and the best leader possible. You cannot live in your comfort zone. It would be best if you were willing to be uncomfortable.
Sharing some wise words of American Giant, the manufacturer of what they call the greatest sweatshirt ever made. In of their promotions, they said:
Comfortable isn’t comfortable.
Comfortable, never got up before dawn.
Comfortable won’t get its hands dirty.
Comfortable has nothing to prove.
Comfortable doesn’t have new ideas.
Comfortable won’t dive in head first.
Comfortable isn’t the American dream.
Comfortable, has no guts.
Comfortable never dares to be great.
Comfortable falls apart at the seams.
Don’t get comfortable.
Don't ever get comfortable. Make the shift to abundance. Get out of the edge. Break new ground. Seize opportunity. Get creative……..