I love doing the interiors of my house and I have a good collection of paintings and decorative artifacts. When I moved from India, I shipped most of my paintings and decorations to Chicago. From the last four years, my paintings were packed in a box as I didn’t want to make holes in the walls of rental houses.
Recently I purchased my own house and I am very excited as now I have a great opportunity to embellish my house.
Since I moved to my new house, I am slowly unpacking my paintings and hanging them on the wall. I have bought a few more paintings for my collections, lately. While putting my paintings on the wall, I noticed something that most of my collections are “Abstract Art”. Unintentionally, whatever I bought it’s a representation of beautiful colors, patterns, texture, forms, shapes on canvas with no object. I wondered why do I like abstract art and buy the same? Rather, what is Abstract art and why do painters draw the same in the first place? Being inquisitive, I did my research and I am still reading blogs and articles about it. I also spoke to one of my friends who is a painter and to understand her perspective as well.
Well, based on my analysis and research, today I will share some interesting facts about Abstract Art and how it connects with my personality. There is no scientific theory while it’s more based on my research & personal experiences.
Abstract art is open to any interpretation, representation, and imagination. It has no boundary. It emerged from the artist who is not obligated to box his or her ideas, limited to any objects or restrained by any visual reference. The elements of abstract art can be traced back to the 19th century and the works painted by famous Cubists masters like Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso or most notably in James McNeill Whistler’s Nocturne in Black and Gold: The falling Rocket, the majority of theorists agree that 1910 is the year that marks the birth of an “Abstract Art”. During that time, Wassily Kandinsky painted his celebrated Untitled (First Abstract Watercolor), the first and one of the most famous abstract paintings ever made. Abstract painting has come a long way since 1910 and proved as a versatile field for experimentation and development of new styles and techniques. Soak and stain paintings by Helen Frankenthaler, the innovative dripping technique by Jackson Pollock or beyond black practice by Pierre Soulages all represent different but complementary parts of abstract painting genres that were a true gift to art and had a profound influence on many artists that followed.
Abstract art doesn’t say- that is what I am and that’s why many people struggle to understand the art. Being naïve, many people think oh that’s my 5-year-old can draw such paintings too. What people don’t realize is that the best abstract artists have excellent drawing skills, a finely-honed sense of composition, and a deep understanding of the workings of color. Abstract art doesn’t contain any recognizable object to hold onto or to connect to. This can be very confusing and threatening for some who are not used to seeing such a depiction of art.
Personally, for me, Abstract art is very captivating and something I admire. Because it speaks of me. Abstract art is not about nothing. It’s more than haphazard, lines, forms, colors, and textures on a canvas. For me, it represents open-mindedness. It doesn’t mandate you to limit your thoughts in a certain way or style or manner. The full bouquet of colors, cubes, or patterns lie in front of you on a canvas and you can design and imagine the way you want it, in your’ s mind. It remains exclusive to you and nobody can say it’s wrong. That’s what I like about “Abstract Art “. Nobody can judge you and respect your views and interpretation. This may all sound weird, but I believe, who you are connects you with the people, objects, and various other things in the world.
In simple words, Abstract Art sets me free, let me think beyond any limits, and give wings to my imagination. There is creativity, imagination, love, expression, desire, and most importantly “Freedom”.
I am the person, who doesn’t like to be told what should be done. If someone tries to control me too much my creativity and interest die away. I don’t like to follow rules or norms always. I enjoy the things which are unique, not repetitive, and simple. Abstract art is something, which is quite simple to understand and at the same time complex for those who try to fit it into the box. It can never be copied and possess mesmeric beauty, which stands its apart from others. I think I share inexplicable association and venerations to this art as it expresses me and my personality.
I hope, when next time you will see any abstract art, you will remember me and my viewpoint and will surely enjoy the art.